Thursday, March 18, 2010

News from the Ukraine

An email came today that will have us praying even harder, and with a new direction. When the kids are in Ukraine some of them work at the University teaching conversational English and some of the kids go to one of the public schools to have gym time and tell them about God. As you see from the email that I will put below, some of this has changed, but God has not. The teachers that have brought them in for the past three years are not Christians, but they desire for "their kids" to hear about Christ that they have risked their jobs to have the group there. Please pray for these dear older ladies that somehow through this they may accept Christ for themselves.

Hi Dad and Mom
Something crazy happened. We were at the school today and we heard that some student's grandpa heard we were 'preaching' to his grandson and told people. As you know, being in the school and talking about God is illegal; and when the media heard about it they came to the school and tried to interveiw us and get it on the news. If we get caught the worst they could do to us is kill us so...just kidding...but seriously. We were kicked out of the school so we might not be able to come back next year, and we definitely can't go back this year. We aren't going home early or anything either. We need you to inform people of our situation and get them to pray, so if you could call all of our family that would be great. We also need you to keep the school's director and the two gym teacher's in your prayers as they could lose their jobs and that they would come to Christ. I am well taken care of so don't worry. God is working in amazing ways and we already have so much to be thankful for on this trip, like: the 300 students we've ministered to and our safety. So keep us in your prayers.


This was written by one of our first time kids and the only ninth grader to go this year. He is a good friend of Peirce's. They would only have had one more day at the school for this trip. God has opened so many doors in Ukraine that we know He has plans now also. Again, please pray for the teachers involved. The kids start home on Sunday, but the next few days will hold many opportunities to be with the University students.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ukraine Trip

Peirce is leaving on another trip to the Ukraine in the morning. We will be leaving at 4 am, so I really need to get to bed, but I wanted to post his schedule so that more people can be praying for this trip. It has been exciting to see where Peirce's heart is with this trip. After being there last year, his heart and desire to see people changed is awesome. Part of me is wishing that I could go with as I know that he will be seeing people that I got to meet last summer. Part of our group is already on their way, part of our group had a delay and is staying overnight in Minneapolis (they will meet with Peirce's group in NYC and continue on to Odessa), and the group Peirce is going with will be leaving tomorrow because of a concert tonight. Each group does have an adult with them. Please keep them in your prayers this week. The goal of the week is to bring in people and build relationships with them in Christ. Please pray for the language barrier as well as boldness to share what God has for them to share.

Friday, March 12, Leave home in Clear Lake, IA at 4 AM for 9 AM flight from Minneapolis to Odessa, Ukraine. We are high school age (7 guys, 7 girls) with 4 adult sponsors. Total travel time is around 24 hours.

Saturday, March 13 - Meet with team of 8 missionaries for orientation to English Club and Basketball/Craft Camp

Sunday, March 14 - Worship with missionaries and their church then have a picnic at the Black Sea

Monday-Friday, March 15-19 -English Club at University (this is my focus); Basketball/Craft Camp at Public School; evening events differ

Saturday, March 20-my 16th birthday! Sightseeing & events with missionaries.

Sunday, March 21-Worship time & travel home. Arrive in Minneapolis about Midnight. Home by 3 AM, back to school at 8 AM.

Please pray for me and the team as we share God with possibly several hundred kids. Last year was my first trip and people were patient with me. I need to pass that on to others. Thanks for caring.

Peirce Jordan