Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Prayer list for Ukraine Trip

This is the list that we sent out to our church; I thought that many of you would enjoy seeing what we are doing. I also hope that many of you will pray for us.


Pastor Dan & Deb Jordan, Greg & Julie Nicholas,

Pete Faust, Lindsey Calhoun, Eric Hansen

Thank you for the prayer and financial support given to the Lord on our behalf. Here is a Daily Prayer Guide to give you some idea of the work and timeframe of this Odessa , Ukraine mission trip from July 23-August 5. Keep praying about your own participation on a mission team. Keep in mind that Ukraine is 8 hours ahead of the Central time zone. Consider praying for this ministry the day before. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for your prayerful support of the English camp ministry.

July 15th (Pete Faust), July 20th (Lindsey Calhoun), July 23rd (Pastor Dan/Deb, Greg/Julie, Eric Hansen) departure days: Pray for safety and protection while traveling. Pray for connections with team members from other states, that there will not be any delays in the airports, that security screenings will go smoothly, and that our luggage arrives with us.

July 24 – Arrive in Odessa , Ukraine . Pray for the team as we adjust to the Ukrainian culture. Pray for team unity. Prayfor our flexibility, our witness and our strength.

July 25 – This is camp preparation day for the youth camp at the campsite facilities. Pray for the team as it plans, prepares and prays for this youth camp. Pray for everyone who will be attending this English camp. Pray for the work God is doing in their lives and our lives and the changes He is going to make.

July 26 – Pray for safe arrival of the campers in the afternoon. Youth Camp will begin this night. Pray for friendships between staff and campers.

July 27-30 – Pray for these elements of the youth camp.

English reading time: We will be using Scripture to teach English and to learn about Jesus. Pray that the campers will have open ears, hearts, and thoughts to these lessons.

English classes: Pray that the lessons challenge the camper’s English speaking skills. Pray that each student will gain confidence in conversing in the English language.

Please pray for our team members while they travel and serve. Specific requests are listed below:

Translators: Pray that they will accurately translate for us and clearly communicate our love of Jesus to our new Ukrainian friends. They must always be ready to translate for us and often without any notice.

Pray for each one who gives a testimony during the camp.

Pray for the evening activities. Relationships will deepen as we have fun together.

Pray that optional activities will be relevant. Pray that unplanned moments interacting with the campers in a relaxed setting will make an impact in their lives.

July 31 –
This is the last full day of camp at this campsite. The evening activities will include a campfire, s’mores, and the gospel being shared. Specifically pray for those campers who are close to making a decision to accept Jesus. May they overcome the enemy and take a step of faith.

August 1 – The camp moves from the campsite to Odessa . Pray for safe closure and travel.

August 2 – Camp continues with a worship service at Living Hope Church in Odessa , a picnic near the Black Sea , and pizza and a movie with the campers at the church in the evening.

August 3 – Greg & Julie Nicholas
return to Iowa . The campers take the rest of us on a tour of Odessa .

August 4 –
The youth camp ends today and it is time to say “good-bye” to our new friends. Pray that we will finish well.

August 5Lindsey Calhoun, Pete Faust, Dan & Deb Jordan return to Iowa . Pray for safe travel and re-entry to home life. Eric Hansen continues on at a family camp until August

Ukraine Bound

I only have a few moments, but I wanted to write something before Dan and I are out of the country for two weeks. We leave early tomorrow morning for Odessa, Ukraine. Please pray for us as we will be far out of our comfort zones. We will be teaching English at a Youth Camp. Please pray for our children and my mom also as they will be here. I really have to get finished packing. So much to do and literally so little time.