Friday, October 9, 2009

Be still

My days are not as busy right now as I am not homeschooling anymore. I am waiting to see what opportunities God is going to bring my way. I will be doing some volunteering as well as helping out with some things at church. It is hard to believe that it has been almost 2 months since the kids have gone back to school. I haven't been sitting around the house looking for things to do. My afternoons have been busy with three kids in sports, but that has been very enjoyable and almost done. (I will have to put some pictures up.) There have been a few days that I would say have been a little more idle than others, but for the most part, I have been working on a few projects that have needed some attention. Areas of organization that I am not always the best at.
I have really enjoyed some time to sit back and talk to God a little more. The house is quiet for the first time in many years. This is my "be still" time. It is hard to be still. I still have things that I want to do and places that I want to go. Even when I am "being lazy", I am usually working on a craft project. So now I am working on listening to what God wants me to learn as I step into another phase of my life. It's a little scary. I commented to Dan that the past few years have been one change after another. As I look at the next few years, I see plenty more ahead. Peirce is a sophomore this year. Next year we start looking at colleges. As we've learned with three kids close in ages, when one starts doing something, the others are close behind.
I'm thankful that I have this "be still time." I don't know how long it will last. I have a feeling that it won't be much longer. There is an urgency to catch on quickly because I know that I have so much to learn.---could it be that in my last year of my 30's I feel my age catching up with me?
This may be ramblings from my heart, but it is where I am right now. I guess that I am contemplating where I am in my walk with God and where I should be.
Life is calling....more projects to get to, but let me encourage you to take the time, even in the midst of a busy day to BE STILL.