Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Birthday Blessings

Since Kirsten's birthday is the week after mine, I always look forward to hers more. Between two November birthdays, Thanksgiving and then Christmas; I'd rather make a bigger deal of hers. It is much more fun to be older when you are 10 almost 11. Since my birthday is on a Wednesday, which is a fairly busy day in our household, most of it was celebrated yesterday. I went to lunch with a friend, and I had cake with the family in the evening. I bought a camera a few months ago that was my gift, so I didn't expect anything. Dan went and got me some flowers---even remembering that with my allergies a mess, mums were a no-no. Aren't they beautiful? Mom and dad got me the WiiFit for Birthday/Christmas. We've already had a great time with that.

I also had a surprise muffins and crafting punch from the two ladies who have Wednesday morning Bible Study with me. Life is so much better when we don't expect things. What a treat!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!! Glad you had some good surprises!