Monday, June 15, 2009

Where have I been?

I can't believe that it has been two months since I have posted. I have been on facebook. Which I do enjoy using keeping up with people on. It is not as if nothing has gone on here. I really did not spend a lot of time on the computer during a lot of that time. I don't think that I can get everyone totally up to date, but I can talk about recent history in our family.

School has been out for a few weeks. We spent one week relaxing after we were out. Dan's (and my) niece, Megan came out from WI for a 5 day visit. We had fun showing Megan around town, taking walks, going to the pool and the Viking for ice cream.

The day after Megan left, we took Mitchell to camp. He had a great time there last week and now it is Kirsten's turn to be at camp. Peirce is in South Dakota working on an Indian reservation with our youth group. We have a quiet house this week.

Last week was Bible School at our church. Peirce and Kirsten both helped with corralling kids for classes. Peirce helped with 4th grade and Kirsten with preschool. My job was to teach music. It was amazing how tired we got, but it was a wonderful week. The kids learned some amazing truths. We had a neat project during the week called "Shoe Me". We had the kids bring money to buy shoes for orphans in the Congo who don't have good shoes to walk the miles needed to get to school. We started with a goal of $200 which will buy 20 pairs of shoes for this program. The kids had raised $400 by Friday and Friday evening at the program the kids and parents topped it out at $703!!! They were so excited to have something to tangible to be able to give toward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved looking through this window into your life! What an amazing VBS you all had.