Thursday, August 7, 2008

A time for new things...

I realized that I had not written in a week. I left my laptop at my parents and I am missing it when it comes to getting my things done. I can't post pictures on the blog with my pc as easily as the laptop, so there may not be any until I get it back over Labor Day. The kids like to be on the computer also, so I find that I have to get my allotted time also.
We had a few firsts this past week. We signed the boys up to go to Clear Lake Middle School and for Peirce, Clear Lake High School. This has been such a huge matter of prayer for us. Since we knew that we were moving to Clear Lake, I have been petitioning God in this matter. When I felt peace about sending them, I asked over and over, "Are you sure?" We know that if needed we can take them out at any time, but for now we know that we are doing what God wants. Peirce will be involved in Cross Country and Mitchell will be in 7th grade football. Should be an interesting fall. I hate the fact that now we are on "school schedule". I really liked moving things around to work for us, but I knew that that would end at some point.
We also made a large purchase today. Dan and I travelled up to Minnesota (30 min. away) to purchase a 2004 Toyota Sienna. It has been 8 years since we have purchased a vehicle, so we had a need and found a good deal.
So we have now 10 days before school starts. I have 40 people coming over on Sunday pm, so I am thinking that the kids will have to wait until next week to get some special things done before they are busy all day. (I think that they are in for a huge shock!!!)
Pray for us as we make this transition. I want the boys to both find quality friends. They both know kids from church, but I am praying a hedge of protection from the ones that they shouldn't be around. I am excited about the possibilities for them. I have been impressed by the administration of the school and the teachers that I know. It is not the normal public school. I of course will have some separation anxiety, but I am looking forward to this time with Kirsten. She has a friend that will be homeschooled this year also, so we are looking forward to some times with Kim and Tory

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