Thursday, October 2, 2008


Tonight, I had the privelege of speaking at our MOPS. (Mothers of Preschoolers) I have been out of that role for a few years, but being the pastor's wife, I was asked. I do not really like public speaking, but when Jenni mentioned the theme, I knew that it was what God would have me speak on.
The theme was "Identity" as mothers, wives, and Christians. I have known about this for a month and have had so many things going through my head. I finally had time this week to sit down and "be still" for God to take my many thoughts and make order with them.
One thing that I appreciate about God is that He uses our strengths to show Himself. I am a visual person. I wanted to try to get a few different senses used to get the point across, so I asked God, and he showed me how to use this. I talked about the world's view of the identity of a wife, mother, and Christian. I held a baby, made dinner, talked on the phone, and carried my briefcase to show the fact that it is impossible to do what the world expects.
I shared how God showed me that my identity was in Him. The only way that I can be a good wife and mother is to seek after His wisdom using Prov. 2:1-7 as my passage. I gave them a list of Who I Am in Christ that Freedom in Christ Ministries put together with many scripture verses. How incredible to be called Christ's friend; joint heirs, many.
I spent a good part of the afternoon today working on this. I felt wonderful...up on a mountaintop. I guess that satan wanted me down as he brought up a doozie in this house this evening. How greatful I am that God gives us the strength to work through those times that Satan tells us that we are not capable of doing what we are doing.
Tonight went well. I felt very much that God was using this and had a few of the ladies share with me afterward. I'm excited because this is a ministry that Dan and I have had before, and I wonder where God may lead.

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