Monday, October 20, 2008

Pastor Appreciation Day

I don't know who "created" pastor appreciation day. I know that it has been going for at least 10 years. Yesterday was Pastor Appreciation Day at our church. It was a full day. Baptism, luncheon, business meeting. In the midst of it they presented the three pastors and wives with cards and this neat pumpkin floral arrangement. I hope that this will be around for Thanksgiving when my family is here.
I am proud of my husband. He never reads this, so I can take a few lines to brag on him. (I do tell him this often; he just wouldn't like me telling everyone else.) He is growing into this new role so well. He knows names of everyone which is such a great gift as well as discipline. It can be overwhelming at times when you think of things that need to get started, but it is wonderful to see how the Holy Spirit brings wonderful timing into the whole picture. I spoke to a MOPS group a few weeks ago and came away with even more respect for my husband. To be prepared each week with something that will teach and challenge the people is a high calling. Dan has a wonderful way of making scripture so applicable without dumming it down. Not that my former pastors have not challenged me, but it is so different when it is your husband.

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