Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It has been cold here for a while, but Sunday gave us a new appreciation of what cold really is. Sunday morning was 38 degrees. Beautiful morning! The sun was shining. when we walked out of church at 12:30, it was 19 degrees. We had purposely moved our children's Christmas program to 4:00 as there was a possibility of some weather.
When we got home it was freezing, and we awoke to -30 wind chill. People here keep asking me if it was cold in South Bend. Yes, it got cold there, but the wind here is absolutely amazing. That is why we have wind mills all around here.
Well, I need to go pick up my boys from school. They usually walk home as we are only 2 blocks away, but today is 4 degrees, and the wind chill is way below zero, so I will be a nice mom, and go get them.
Stay warm! I am going to sit by the fire tonight!!!

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