Thursday, December 25, 2008

Family Traditions

Both Dan and I grew up opening gifts on Christmas Eve. We went to our Christmas Eve service and then presents were opened. When we got married, we kept up the tradition. Last night we went to the Christmas Eve service and then home to open gifts.

When we celebrate Christmas with my family, our Christmas morning, whether it be on the 25th or another day is always celebrated with the same menu....great grandpa's coffee cake and egg casserole, so our morning went the same way. I know that in a few weeks, we will have the same menu when we are in Nebraska. Dan's family does Oyster stew on Christmas Eve. Dan is the only one of the five of us who will eat it, so hopefully mom Jordan will have it when we get out there next.

The coffee cake doesn't picture real well. Many of you have had it, but for those of you that haven't it is wonderful. My great grandpa was a German baker. This coffee cake has a thick layer of butter cream in the middle. There is a reason that I only make it at Christmas!!!

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