Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Simple Elegance

Last night we had a ladies' tea at our church. This is something that they have done in the past, but it has not been done for a few years. A few months ago, the three pastor's wives decided to host this. We had a great amount of help. It was fun seeing how ideas of past times and places could morph into something new. We took ideas from what was done here before, added some ideas from teas in PA when I was there, and put some new spins on them both.

We had ladies sign up to decorate tables, so we ended up with 18 tables that each had their own china and identity. We decorated the room with tulle, white, lights, and some greenery in order to not clash with all of the colors. We asked ladies to put unscented candles on their tables for a wonderful atmosphere.

The theme of the night was Simple Elegance. The idea behind this was that most of us love to have a fancy evening out---thus the Elegance. The simple was to get our hearts and minds back to simplicity. This time of the year is so hectic. We had a simple program with some music and readings. I've got a lot of pictures as I took some of each table(actually, my husband did), but we'll see what we can put on here today.

The slideshow to the right is of the tea. There are pictures of all of the tables. Some were harder to photograph than others. They were all different and beautiful.

1 comment:

tacky said...

What a beautiful idea! The tables each had such a unique personality! Enjoy the simplicity of the season! Kari