Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Sunday

It has been a while since I have blogged.  I have pictures to post and more, but time has been a little tight the past few weeks.  Kirsten and I have been working on some projects together.  I'll have to post some pictures of those.  She is becoming quite the crafter and baker.  She made an angel food cake for our company today by herself. (It was from a mix, but she did do it all on her own.)
Today was such a great day!  The past few days have been part of today, so I guess that I need to go back to then.  Friday evening was our Good Friday Service.  A few years ago a book entitled, "On a Hill Too Far Away"was brought into our lives.  This was the first year that we did a Good Friday Service while we lived in South Bend.  This service was different than what we had done there, but it was a somber service focusing on Christ's suffering and death.  Each year I am touched in a different way.
We performed our Easter Cantata Sat. evening and twice this morning.  My voice is worn out now, but it was great.  It was titled, "The Wonder of  the Cross".  It follows the last week of Christ's life through the resurrection. (For those of you from South Bend, it ends with a familiar song--"He's risen, Hallelujah" from a past cantata)  I'm excited to hear from a few people about some people that came to church today.  We had so many visitors today, but I know that there were a few people in second service who were very much skeptics.  Dan was able to give a wonderful presentation of the gospel.
Well, I need to go to bed--brain is still running, but morning will come, and I still have one student at home.  I pray that each of you had a blessed day!  The title song to the cantata had a wonderful message...." May I never lose the wonder, the wonder of the cross....."

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