Friday, July 18, 2008

Time Flies

It seems as if some weeks just fly by. Well, most of them do, but others are gone before I know it. We had a wonderful time with John, Rhonda, Amy, and Christopher. We spent time walking around town, going to the beach, and getting ice cream at the local hot spot, The Viking. I need to get Rhonda's pictures from some of this. The day after they left, I came down with the stomach flu and spent two days in bed very sick, so today was spent catching up. Laundry, grocery shopping, laundry, picking up, laundry....Did I say laundry? Seems as if we all must wear 4 outfits a day for all the laundry that we generate. I am very thankful for my 2nd floor laundry.

On Tuesday, the kids and I will be travelling back to South Bend for a visit with family and friends. We are excited to be able to spend time with grandma and grandpa. I think that I have way too many things on my "to do" list while we are there. I'll probably be able to blog while we are there, and then we'll post pictures when we get back.

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