Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Cantata a few weeks late.

We had our Christmas Cantata today, January 11th. Our first plan was the 20th and 21st of December, but we got "blizzarded" out" One of the nice things about doing the program after Christmas is that there is not the pressure of the season. It is so much fun getting to perform what you have worked so hard on. One of the fun parts of the day was that Dan got to direct one of the songs. Our choir director, Rod is a true tenor. We had one solo that was very high, so Rod needed to sing, and Dan needed to direct. Rod is about my height, so you can imagine the difference in Rod's arm-span to Dan's. Having had Dan as my director for so long, it was a highlight of my day.
The theme of the cantata was "Tonight, Heaven Touches Earth". It is such a great thought to bring it down to our level. God sent His Son to touch me. We still have one more family Christmas to complete until our Jordan Christmas season is over.

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