Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Ramblings

I feel as if I am finally getting my "back to school" legs on after Christmas.  Some of you may laugh as it is the end of January, but I do have a little bit of an excuse....(little bit).  Let's go back to the first week back to school.  I don't remember that week except that we had a few make-up basketball games that were not the best for the 7th grade boys.  We also had at least one two hour delay that week due to snow. Combat that with starting school on a Tuesday which always throws me off.  That was also the week that Kirsten and I went to Nebraska for a few days.  That was a great trip. It just was not "normal".

The next week was the strange week with one missed day of school and four not full days. That was such a goofy week.  

Last week was the run back and forth to the dentist week.  I was there 3 afternoons in a row at 3:00.  No one had cavities though, so it was good.  We then took Friday off and went to Nebraska.

This week was slow getting going, but finally at Friday, I feel as if I did get some things accomplished.  Peirce got his braces on Tuesday. (I'll post a picture some time).  I commented to someone the other day that after homeschooling for so many years and not having to deal with the school schedule, I am still trying to adjust.

I'm not complaining; it has just been a strange adjustment to the new year.  Now that February is coming, I feel as if I might be getting as much of a handle on it as I can.

I'm excited because my mom will be coming in on Monday to see Mitchell's last basketball game. I have a few things planned.  I hope that it gets a little warmer.  It has been so sunny the last few days.

Monday is Ground Hog's day, and we are going to have a spring fellowship at church for the ladies.  Not because it is Ground Hog's day, but because it is Ground Hog's day we decided that we could focus on spring.

I am counting my blessings.....I don't usually type off of the top of my head, but today I had too much going on up there, I decided to let the "ramblings" out.--not always the safest thing to do.  God is good.  He gave me a wonderful husband who doesn't always understand where I am coming from but loves me and is patient with me.  I have been so amazed in watching my kids lately at how grown up they are.  Peirce will be 15 in 2 months!  They can be such a great help and companions.  I enjoy doing things with them....not that I didn't before, but they are acting more "adult" now, so it is a little easier.

Well, I have been promising Kirsten for a few weeks that we could do some scrapbooking, so I better go take care of that with her.  She has turned into quite a great crafter.

Have a great day!  Thanks for "listening" to my ramblings.

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